Aku tangi kōrero, Aku tangi tikanga e – Kaupapa Māori Best Practice

“Ka kitea i tēnei whakataukī te mātauranga nui o ngā tūpuna ki te taiao, ināhoki ki te rākau tītoki, tēnā ka puāwai anake i te wā ka pai katoa te āhuarangi. He mea mātakitaki nā ngā tūpuna me te aha ka meatia te kupu nei hei poroaki tangata”.

This proverb illustrates the intimate knowledge of the environment, specifically in this instance the Tītoki tree which only bloomed when the climate was right.

Aku tangi kōrero, Aku tangi tikanga e

Aku tangi kōrero aku tangi tikanga e, are a series of hui focused on developing reflective frontline practitioners on Māori frameworks and models in the mental health and addiction sector.  Wananga are planned across the year and based on Māori health leaders and their frameworks. The aim is to sharpen Kaupapa Māori Best Practice to influence practice implementation across service delivery and the health system.

The wānanga takes a principle-based approach to refine practice and influencing, ‘the objective is clear to see as there are no obstacles to obscure’. He rangi paihuarere e ari ana te kitea o te maunga; A cloudless sky means the mountain is clearly visible.

At the end of the wānanga we will be seeking registration of interest from those willing to work with us to make meaningful connections and uplift the mauri of kaimahi Māori across the motu.

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