Young People Speak out about Wellbeing Report Summary
Description Te Hiringa Mahara Mental Health Wellbeing Commission In 2021, The Government of Aotearoa welcomed Public Consultation on the Repeal and Replace of the Mental Health Act. Māori Leaders with Lived Experiences gathered to provide their views to the Repeal and Replace of the Mental Health Act and included the Removal of the Mental Health […]
Te Aka Mātua – Basic Drug Information for Mātua and Concerned Whānau
Description Te Aka Mātua refers to the parent vine that Tāwhaki and his brother used to climb up to the heavens. He and his brother, Karihi, locate their grandmother Whaitiri who is looking after the vines at the bottom of the stairway. Karihi in haste attempts to climb the vines immediately, but grabs the aka […]
New Zealand Health and Disability System Review: Repositioning health and disability for the future
Description The recommendations made in New Zealand’s Health and Disability system review represent the biggest restructuring of the health system in a generation for Aotearoa New Zealand. The Health and Disability System Review proposes significant changes in terms of the overall system. This report should be read in conjunction with the Health and Disability System […]
Ministry of Health: NGO Health and Disability Network – Media Release
Description Māori NGOs give their perspective on proposed Health & Disability System changes repositioning Health & Disability Non-Government Organisations for the Future (A perspective for Māori NGOs) is a snapshot report by the NGO Council on behalf of the NGO Health and Disability Network. Inspired by the Health and Disability System Review, Waitangi Tribunal Health […]
Ko Tōku Ara Rā Aotearoa, Our Journey, New Zealand COVID 19 2020
Description The investigation into COVID-19 approaches for Indigenous people including Māori (Indigenous people of Aotearoa, New Zealand) has been limited and or inconsistent. For these reasons, it is important to capture the following challenges and particularly the success for Māori as presented over the past four months. Ko tōku ara rā, Aotearoa COVID-19 2020 encompasses […]
The Future of Māori Health Forum
Description Sir Mason Durie: Key Note Speaker for The Future of Māori Health Forum, 30th November 2020 Grand Hall, Parliament Buildings Wellington. Download
Māori Suicide Prevention Research, Policy & Practice
Description This report includes the verbatim reports of the speakers, symposium participants and those working in Māori suicide prevention and postvention. This report identifies key issues through the voices and words of Māori Treaty and social justice advocates, academics, service providers, policy writers, researchers and those on the receiving end of current suicide prevention and […]
Ka ao, ka ao postvention for Māori
Description The Ka Ao Ka Ao -Postvention for Māori (Indigenous people of Aotearoa/ New Zealand) provides a comprehensive view on the position of suicide for Māori in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Important Māori-driven and Māori centred developments with some focus on youth are needed to move Māori from a state of grief, bereavement and distress to […]
Tuku Iho, Tuku Iho, Culture in Māori Health Service Provision.
Description This publication Tuku Iho, Tuku Iho: Culture in Māori (the indigenous people of Aotearoa/ New Zealand) Health Service Provision, provides critical understanding of the notion of culture, cultural safety, cultural competency and cultural fluency especially central to Māori health service provision in Aotearoa. Interspersed within this account, supportive of the sourced literature, are […]
Kia hora te marino – Trauma Informed Care for Māori
Description A national approach to Trauma Informed Care in Aotearoa (New Zealand) relevant to Māori (Indigenous people) must consider the effects of historical, cumulative, intergenerational and situational trauma. Seminal to this is an understanding of a pre-European Māori society where whānau violence was not acceptable nor common (Cooper, 2012; Durie, 2001; Jenkins & Harte, 2011; […]