‘Repeal, replace & Remove the Mental Health Act’ Submission
Description In 2021, The Government of Aotearoa welcomed Public Consultation on the Repeal and Replace of the Mental Health Act. Māori Leaders with Lived Experiences gathered to provide their views to the Repeal and Replace of the Mental Health Act and included the Removal of the Mental Health Act as a significant shift needed in […]
Mā Purapura Mai Māori Leadership
Description Mā Purapura Mai is a Māori lived experienced leadership kaupapa (programme) that comprises of five wānanga delivered by Te Rau Ora (formerly Te Rau Matatini) over a five month period. The fifth wānanga provided an opportunity for participants to present to one another and the facilitators their reflections of the wānanga. The Dynamics of […]
Employment of Māori Staff
Description This reflective tool relates to the recruitment, selection, retention & advancement of Māori staff in the health sector. Download
Kia hora te marino – Trauma Informed Care for Māori
Description A national approach to Trauma Informed Care in Aotearoa (New Zealand) relevant to Māori (Indigenous people) must consider the effects of historical, cumulative, intergenerational and situational trauma. Seminal to this is an understanding of a pre-European Māori society where whānau violence was not acceptable nor common (Cooper, 2012; Durie, 2001; Jenkins & Harte, 2011; […]
Hanga I Te Tū O Te Hurihanga
2015 by Te Rau Matatini Description The purpose of this report is to present the discussion and aspirations of Māori with lived personal and whānau experiences of mental illness and mental health services who met at Waikato Tainui College for Research and Development, Ngaruawahia in September 20151.Background. The Making a Stand for Change Hui was […]
He kai i nga Rangatira: He Korero o nga whānau Whaiora
Description People with lived experience of mental health challenges and receiving mental health services attended a one day hui in Auckland to share their thoughts of being under the mental health act and of acute mental health care. The hui encouraged shared discussions with key reflections, aspirations and insights. The core themes identified by the […]
Hīkaka te Manawa: Making a difference for Rangatahi
2014 by A Sokratov & J M O’Brien Description In 2012, Blueprint II set out a bold transformative vision of how things need to be to improve mental health and addiction support services in New Zealand. As this report demonstrates, this vision is being made a reality by rangatahi mental health and addiction service providers […]
Kia Puāwai Te Ararau National Māori Mental Health Workforce Development Strategic Plan
Description Kia Puāwai Te Ararau the National Māori Mental Health Workforce Development Strategic Plan provides a strategic focus for Māori mental health workforce development over the next 5 years, and aims to align workforce development with Māori mental health needs. It seeks to develop the current and future Māori workforce through a cross-sector, all-age inclusive […]