Ka Whawhai Tonu Mātou – Health Oranga Hinengaro

Description Programmes such as Te Rau Puawai and Te Rau Matatini have likewise contributed to the Māori Mental HealthWorkforce, by actively encouraging more Māori to consider a career in Mental Health. Rather than focus on a narrow range of core disciplines these programmes have recognised the need for active and broad Māori involvement within the […]

Kia Pai Ake – Analysis of Alcohol and Other Drug Services

Description The following report provides the results of an analysis of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) withdrawal options available across Aotearoa. The report will use the term withdrawal however the term detox is also commonly used in the AOD/Addiction sector. Withdrawal has replaced the term detoxification as it better describes the physical and psychological symptoms […]

He Ara Waiora Survey Report

Description This is a written report discussing the analysis results of a survey developed by TRO to gain an understanding of kaimahi and whānau Māori AOD workforce experiences. It will describe the rationale behind the survey, the questions included and an in-depth analysis of the outcomes using key themes. This approach is about what is […]

Whare Tukutuku – Patterns of Practice Whānau Supporting Whānau

Description Whare Tukutuku is a Te Rau Ora and New Zealand Drug Foundation collaborative approach to workforce development through an integrated model of prevention. Our objective is to create a future alcohol and other drug (AOD) workforce that is whānau-centred and community-focused, redesigned for new scopes of practice, culturally capable and willing to innovate to […]

Whakatupu ā Tātou Māramatanga – Survey Outcome Report May 2021

Description Whare Tukutuku is a kaupapa of Te Rau Ora (TRO) with support of the New Zealand Drug Foundation (NZDF). Our collective aim is to address some of the challenges of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) harms. Māori are at high risk of experiencing addiction-related challenges, which influences a wide range of outcomes for whānau, […]

Ministry of Health: NGO Health and Disability Network – Media Release

Description Māori NGOs give their perspective on proposed Health & Disability System changes repositioning Health & Disability Non-Government Organisations for the Future (A perspective for Māori NGOs) is a snapshot report by the NGO Council on behalf of the NGO Health and Disability Network. Inspired by the Health and Disability System Review, Waitangi Tribunal Health […]

Ko Tōku Ara Rā Aotearoa, Our Journey, New Zealand COVID 19 2020

Description  The investigation into COVID-19 approaches for Indigenous people including Māori (Indigenous people of Aotearoa, New Zealand) has been limited and or inconsistent. For these reasons, it is important to capture the following challenges and particularly the success for Māori as presented over the past four months. Ko tōku ara rā, Aotearoa COVID-19 2020 encompasses […]

Kimihia te Aronga a Hine Workforce Survey Report 2020

Description In 2019 Te Rau Ora with its partners Ngā Maia Māori Midwives Aotearoa and CountiesManukau Health District Health Board (DHB), was tasked by the Ministry of Health todevelop the evidence base to inform workforce priorities with a focus on Māori women,babies, children, and whānau (families). Rapua te Aronga a Hine: The Māori MidwiferyWorkforce in […]

Analysis of Māori Specific Alcohol and Other Drug Health Messaging in Aotearoa

Description Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) addiction issues disproportionately and adversely impact Māori more than non-Māori. Māori have a lifetime prevalence of substance use disorders (26.5%) twice that of the total population (12.3%) and Māori are twice as likely as non-Māori to consume large amounts of alcohol. Māori are more likely to need alcohol and […]