Young People Speak out about Wellbeing Report Summary

Description Te Hiringa Mahara Mental Health Wellbeing Commission In 2021, The Government of Aotearoa welcomed Public Consultation on the Repeal and Replace of the Mental Health Act. Māori Leaders with Lived Experiences gathered to provide their views to the Repeal and Replace of the Mental Health Act and included the Removal of the Mental Health […]

Pari Kawau App

Description Pari Kawau is an interactive app created to support the Pae Tata Pae Tawhiti brief and early intervention model; and practitioners and students seeking to enhance the development of their clinical and cultural practice skills. Allowing practitioners to provide and receive observed practice feedback, helping them effectively enhance a range of clinical and cultural […]

Te Aka Mātua – Basic Drug Information for Mātua and Concerned Whānau

Description Te Aka Mātua refers to the parent vine that Tāwhaki and his brother used to climb up to the heavens. He and his brother, Karihi, locate their grandmother Whaitiri who is looking after the vines at the bottom of the stairway. Karihi in haste attempts to climb the vines immediately, but grabs the aka […]

Hei Āpōpō

Description The purpose of this information is to support members of the public to provide general help to people who may be at risk of suicide. Any public member can assist a person until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. This information is based on expert opinions of professionals who have knowledge […]

He Puna Whakaata: Therapeutic Activities to Guide Change II

Description The purpose of He Puna Whakaata is to contribute to positive outcomes for Māori. This resource describes activities that access some aspects of mātauranga Māori to be utilised in spaces where Māori seek support and healing, including; the primary health sector, whānau ora, addiction and mental health sectors and any other healing space. Practitioners […]

Maea te Toi Ora: Māori Health Transformations

  Description Māori clinicians and researchers explore the relationship between Māori culture and Māori mental health. The six contributing authors in the collection are Simon Bennett, Mason Durie, Hinemoa Elder, Te Kani Kingi, Mark Lawrence and Rees Tapsell and are all well known in the mental health field. Each discusses aspects of Māori and indigenous health and the importance of culture to diagnosis, patient history, understanding causes, treatment […]

He Puna Whakaata: Therapeutic Activities to Guide Change

2016 by Andre McLachlan & Terri Huriwai Description The purpose of He Puna Whakaata is to contribute to positive outcomes for Māori, particularly those experiencing addiction and or mental health-related conditions. Practitioners who will read and use this resource should already take an integrated approach to health and wellbeing and have more than a basic […]

Whaia te Ara Mōu, Kia Tū Hei Pou: Wellbeing, Mental Health and Addictions teaching and career resources for secondary schools

Description Te Rau Matatini is the national Māori health organisation that aims to enhance whānau ora, mental health and wellbeing, and has a specific strategic focus on workforce development. Te Rau Matatini has produced a range of educational resources developed around the delivery of the health curriculum in secondary schools and wharekura (total immersion Māori […]