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Private Training Enterprise

Our vision: Have a transformative impact in Māori Health through Education

Our mission: Strengthen Māori Health through nationally navigated and locally led solutions.

About Te Rau Matatau

Te Rau Matatau is a centre of excellence in Māori education and training that offers a range of Hauora (health and social care) programmes.  Te Rau Matatau is a centre of excellence in Māori education and training that offers a range of Hauora (health and social care) programmes.  Te Rau Matatau is an NZQA accredited Private Training Establishment offering industry-recognised qualifications through a kaupapa Māori lens.

Te Rau Matatau provides tertiary education programmes that focus on the determinants of health and the shift towards a wellness model of care.  Te Rau Matatau courses have particular relevance for Māori working in the health sector, especially those in Kaupapa Māori Organisations.  All courses are underpinned by mātauranga Māori and draw on both written and oral sources.

The overall aim of Te Rau Matatau will be to increase the expertise of the Māori health workforce so that graduates are able to endorse helpful environments and address the not so helpful environments where Māori live. And they will be able to promote mauri ora as an achievable goal for all Māori.

Ready to join us in making a difference?

VISIT Te Rau Matatau WEBSITE (for more info, to register etc)

Programme Delivery

Our Vision: Whakamanatia Te Mātauranga Hei Oranga mō te katoa.

Our Mission: Kia Hinatore Tātou

About Te Whare Whakangungu

He Taua Māori, He Mātanga Taua. Health War Party; House of Learning; House of Healing.

We wānanga; We train We teach We learn; We remember to remember ngā taonga tuku iho me tuku tūpuna.

Orangatonutanga. We improve Māori Health Outcomes, and we do this by designing and developing exceptional Māori education programmes and we seek the best individuals to help us deliver our programmes to our audience.

Ready to join us in making a difference?

VISIT Te Rau Matatau WEBSITE (for more info, to register etc)

VISIT CoMSP WEBSITE (for more info, to register etc)

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