Practitioner Workforce Training

“Tangata matatau … whānau matatū”

Māori knowledge and understanding so that whanau can stand tall

Practitioner & Workforce Training

Te Rau Ora facilitates, develops, and delivers wānanga, cultural competency and training programmes and practice development options for health and disability workforces to address Māori inequalities and enhance health outcomes.   The desired outcomes of the training programmes are to (1) Increase the capacity of Māori health and disability workforces and (2) Enhance health and disability sectors to ensure culturally safe and responsive environments for Māori.

Māori Leadership Wānanga

Māori Leadership Wānanga provides Māori with key building blocks to establish a foundation for leadership.  The program is delivered in five wānanga, based on Māori cultural paradigms and utilises Māori derived beliefs, values and practices.

Valerie Williams is the key contact for this training.

For further information contact [email protected]

He Puna Whakaata

He Puna Whakaata is a Kaupapa Māori based program for frontline professionals that blends Māori preferences and models of practice and wellbeing into a therapeutic approach.  Whakataukī based cards are part of the training which introduces participants to their use in both an individual and group setting.

Dr Andre MacLachlan and Hera Kinred are the key contacts for this training.

For further information contact [email protected]

Manaaki – Mana Enhancing and Protective Practice

Manaaki Mana Enhancing and Mana Protecting Practice is training that has supported the addiction sector with the introduction to ‘mana’ in the implementation of the Substance Addiction Compulsory Assessment Treatment Act (2017).  It involves the validation of integrated cultural and clinical practice with an emphasis on whānau centred practice.

For further information, contact [email protected]

Manaaki Tangata – Suicide Prevention Training

Manaaki Tangata is a one-day wānanga for frontline workforces employed in primary care settings, non-government organisations, Hauora providers, Marae, and Māori community networks. It covers knowledge and skills from a Māori worldview within a framework of ‘early intervention’ focused on preventing crises such as self-harm and suicide through utilising practices that promote oranga (wellbeing) to whānau.

For further information, contact [email protected]

Tiakina Te Āhuru Mōwai – Wahine Māori Centered Practice

Tiakina Te Āhuru Mōwai wānanga are focused on developing reflective frontline practitioners who will place Wahine and their whānau at the centre of their practice.  This training incorporates solutions to working with women and their whānau who experience family violence, and are at potential risk of emotional distress and suicidal risk.   There are two types of training, one is an intensive two-day training for frontline staff about the Te Āhuru Mōwai model of practice. The second is a half-day training for executive staff to provide an overview of the model and discuss how they can empower their staff to utilise the framework.

For further information contact [email protected]

Māori Suicide Prevention & Postvention Wānanga

The Centre of Māori Suicide Prevention provides a range of suicide prevention and postvention wananga that are centred on Māori, informed by mātauranga Māori.  mental health, addiction, and healing experiences.  

For further information contact [email protected]

Aku tangi kōrero aku tangi tikanga e

Aku tangi kōrero aku tangi tikanga e, are a series of hui focused on developing reflective frontline practitioners on Māori frameworks and models in the mental health and addiction sector.  Wananga are planned across the year and based on Māori health leaders and their frameworks.

For further information contact [email protected]

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