Publication Title: Te Aronga-a-Hine Consolidated Summary of Evidence and Recommendations September 2020
By by H Muriwai & K McClintock
Year published:. 2020


Te Rau Ora, Ngā Maia Māori Midwives Aotearoa and Counties Manukau Health (District Health Board), presented a comprehensive proposal to the Ministry of Health – Health Workforce New Zealand to establish a National Māori Maternal and Child Health Workforce Strategy to ameliorate the Māori health and workforce differences by expanding the Māori maternal health care continuum. The opportunity was offered to Te Rau Ora (with its partners) to succinctly develop the evidence base to inform workforce priorities with a focus on Māori women, babies, children, and whānau. The Te Aronga a Hine Symposium was also a platform for other learned wāhine to present their valuable and informative existing Hauora Māori research alongside the Te Aronga a Hine collective. ISBN 978-0-473-54792-9 CITATION Muriwai, H., & McClintock, K. (2020). Te Aronga-a-Hine. Symposium Proceedings – 28 July 2020. Te Rau Ora.