
The He Konae Tupu Charitable Trust project was established in the context of enormous tragedy and loss in one whānau and lived experience that is the knowledge base for building the project. The project acknowledges that whānau trust, within itself, is fundamental to making and working positively.

Providing opportunities for our rangatahi, whānau and hapū to hui, meet with professional services, receive training, work on plans and programs to help reduce Youth Suicide and implement these programs within our community.

The Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini evaluation team, was commissioned to undertake a review of the Waka Hourua Fund. The focus of this specific review, therefore, was to assess and to determine how He Konae Tupu Charitable Trust programme implementation aligns to the overall intent, and design of the Waka Hourua programme and what happened during its implementation (how much, how well, and is anybody better off).