Mai I Ngā Kuri a Wharei ki te Waitaha nui a Hei
Te Manu Toroa (TMT) is a provider of Kaupapa Māori health services in the Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Katikati and Te Puke rohe. First establish in 1997 as the Western Bay Health, Te Manu Toroa provides a wide array of services from nine sites strategically located across the Western Bay. Services include General Practitioner (GP) medical clinics located in Tauranga City, Waitaha Hauora in Te Puke, and Te Akau Hauora in Papamoa. Comprehensive services also include Dental, Mental Health Services (adult and rangatahi services), Health Promotion, Tamariki Ora, Whānau Care and Facilitation.
Other services include Mobile Māori Nursing Services: Disease State Management Nursing Services, Kaupapa Māori Advanced Rural Nurses, who are on the pathway to Nurse Practitioner status. Cardiac and Diabetes specialist nurses who offer services ranging from Smoking Cessation, Asthma , Diabetes, Cardiac Education to the more specialists area of case management .The oral health services have expanded to service Te Kohanga Reo and rangatahi up to 18 years of age via mobile dental units and operate a static adult clinic. Te Manu Toroa (the albatross which glides the ocean) was named and sanctioned by kaumātua from Iwi of the Western Bay of Plenty and has an enrolled patient and client population of over ten thousand enrolments. Te Manu Toroa is an integrated partner organisation aligned to the Western Bay Ngā Mataapuna Oranga PHO.
The Mission of Te Manu Toroa is:
Kia whakarite ai he kaupapa oranga mō ngā iwi o Te Hauāuru”“To provide comprehensive and integrated health care for Māori in the Western Bay of Plenty”
“Kia tū pakari, tū maia hei pou tokomanawa mō te iwi.”“Māori in Western Bay of Plenty are healthy, confident, empowered and contributing to their communities”
The Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini evaluation team was commissioned to undertake a review of the Waka Hourua Fund. The focus of this specific review therefore was to assess and to determine how Te Manu Toroa programme implementation aligns to the overall intent, and design of the Waka Hourua programme and what actually happened during its implementation (how much, how well, and is anybody better off).