Publication Title: Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Taitimu Trust
By Rachel McClintock & Vicki Martin Smith
Year published:. 2016
ISBN: 978-1-877412-72-1 (Electronic) ISBN: 978-1-877412-71-4 (Print)


Established in 2007, Te Taitimu Trust has a vision to turn the tide of negative Māori health disparities by motivating rangatahi and whānau to navigate their respective waka towards realising positive notions of Whānau Ora. The Trust does this through the organisation and planning of structured wānanga, facilitated activities, networking and whakawhanaungatanga. The organisation currently hold services which co-ordinate and facilitate rangatahi focussed wānanga with high needs and/or high risk Māori and Pasifika individuals, whānau, groups, and communities from Flaxmere in Hastings and surrounding areas. Many of the trust’s youth are whānau of gang members.