Publication Title: Waka Hourua Community Initiative: Te Waimana Kaaku Trust
By Tio Sewell
Year published:. 2016
ISBN: 978-1-877412-99-8 (Electronic) 978-1-98-850101-7 (Print)


Te Waimana Kaaku Trust is one of four tribal authorites within the rohe o Tūhoe Potiki, under Te Uru Taumata. Te Waimana Kaaku encompaces 12 marae and nine hapū along the awa o Tauranga (Tauranga river) within the Waimana tribal area. Te Waimama is a rural community situated in the Whakatane District. Te Waimana has a permanent population of approximately 576 people (cencus 2013), most of whom are Māori. Thirty three percent of Waimana population are under 15 years of age compared to the general population of New Zealand a little less then 25 percent.

Te Waimana Kaaku Trust has an over arching focus on the development of its peole/hapū through supporting their cultural , educational, and health needs. This project is supported by the Waka Hourua Community fund, providing the Trust an opportunity to address mental health issues arising in its community. Beginning in September 2014 the programme included the delivery of wānanga in the Waimana community targeting whānau of all ages and hapū of the rohe.

Te Kīwai Rangahau, Te Rau Matatini’s Research and Evaluation Team was commissioned to undertake a review of the Waka Hourua Fund. The focus of this review therefore was to assess and to determine how Te Waimana Kaaku Trust programme implementation aligns to the goals of Te Waka Hourua and what actually happened during its implementation (how much, how well, and is anybody better off).